Basketball schedules.
over 2 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
5/6 schedule
jh schedule
hs schedule
34 schedule Arnett vs Mooreland 5th and 6th girls
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal
On November 2nd Arnett 8th-12th grade students will be given the opportunity to tour departments on Southwestern Oklahoma State University's campus. We will leave at 8:10 and return around 5:00pm.
over 2 years ago, Alison Kincannon
Senior Parents! Come join us on November 16th to complete your child's FAFSA for the 2023-2024 school year. We will have a Financial Aid rep from NWOSU here to assist with the process.
over 2 years ago, Alison Kincannon
Attention Wildcat Fans! We have finally gotten everything together for our live-streaming network. Local advertisers have made this possible and we are ready to start streaming. We will mostly be doing HS athletics, but our goal is to be streaming any and all that is going on at the school. To test our new network, we will be streaming some of the 5th & 6th grade tournament this week. Make sure to follow our channel at the link below that also shows how this will look live. If you would like to advertise or do a sponsorship, please contact Coach Royal at the school or email us at . Thank you again to all of our advertisers that made this possible and Go Cats!
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal
Red Ribbon Week is next week, October 24-28. Dress up days incorporate this year’s Red Ribbon Week theme, which is “Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free”.
over 2 years ago, Jena Holloway
red ribbon week
The Arnett Athletic Booster Club 5th and 6th Grade Basketball Tournament begins Monday, October 17, and will be played through Saturday, October 22. See brackets for dates and times.
over 2 years ago, Jena Holloway
Bayne Strick holding two of the succulents he propagated during the first section of Horticulture!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Dowler
Bayne Strick holding two of his propagated succulents from the first section of Horticulture!
Monty Wilson with his garden bench that he made in Mr. Fords Woodshop class.
over 2 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
Monty Wilson with his garden bench he made in Woodshop
Wildcat Running Club will begin meeting next Monday, October 17, right after school. We will meet each Monday and Friday for about 30 minutes. I hope to see lots of runners there to get ready for our 2nd Annual 5K/1 mile fun run on Friday, Nov 18, 2022!!!
over 2 years ago, Jamie Landers
Arnett Schools has a great custodial staff who deserve our utmost appreciation all year round; however, we’d like to specifically recognize them this week for their hard work and dedication to keeping our facilities looking pristine. Each custodian was presented with a gift certificate to R&R Grocery as a small token of gratitude for we could not get throughout our day without them.
over 2 years ago, Jena Holloway
Fall with Friends is next Tuesday, October 11, which is the day before Fall Break begins. It is a fun time for the elementary students to interact with the upperclassmen.
over 2 years ago, Jena Holloway
fall with friends
Introducing the Arnett High School Academic Team!! These awesome kids are headed to Beaver on October 10th to compete in their District Tournament. We are so excited to be bringing this new activity into our school. Not Pictured: Makale Hamil
over 2 years ago, Alison Kincannon
Academic Team
The media class has been working hard to get our new live-streaming network up and going. The goal is to be live-streaming Arnett Public School events through a Youtube channel. Below is the link for the channel that the school has created: Over the next few weeks, the media class will be working diligently to get this channel running efficiently, so that everyone has a chance to follow AHS events. We are super excited and look forward to getting this going, but for now, please follow the link and subscribe to our channel!
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal
Brooklyn Vincent, Eli Coykendall, and MaKenzi Hamil were selected to sing in the Western Oklahoma Choral Directors Association Honor Choir. They will travel to SWOSU on October 24 to practice with the Junior High Mixed Honor Choir followed by a concert that evening.
over 2 years ago, Nicki Broyles
Shoutout to our students and faculty that attended and led the See You At The Pole event this morning. Huge thank you to Arnett FBC for providing the breakfast burritos as well. Proud to be a Wildcat!
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal
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We have some of the BEST, hardworking teachers in our little school! Congratulations, Mrs. Burcham, on being chosen News 9 Innovative Teacher of the Week!
over 2 years ago, Shannon Shoaf
JB innovative
We had 57 total entries for the Ranch Rodeo 5k this morning! Entries included all ages and they were walking, running, and bike riding. Our overall winners were: Ryan Elder-Adult Male & fastest time, Almudena Fuentes- Adult Female, Nicolas Sant’Anna- Youth. Again, thank you to the Ellis County Sheriff’s Department and the Arnett Chamber of Commerce for helping our 7th Graders make this possible. Drop your pictures in the comments if you would like. Everyone have a safe rodeo weekend!
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal
We are ready for Rodeo Weekend! Remember the 7th grade class is hosting the 5K to kick off the day tomorrow. The race will begin at 7:00 am at the Courthouse Square. The first 50 entries receive these Arnett headbands donated by the Arnett Chamber of Commerce. HUGE shoutout to the Ellis County Sheriff's Department for making sure all of our runners have a safe course tomorrow. Can't wait to see everyone there!
over 2 years ago, Ross Royal